In collaboration with The Labour Fund (Tamkeen), iFranchise Group introduces the 'Business Franchising Program' to support Bahrain-based businesses. Successful applicants will have access to guidance, resources, and expertise, along with financial support to ensure success in the competitive business landscape. This will include conducting a comprehensive franchising audit, support in developing franchising systems, and assisting in developing and implementing marketing and business development plans. The Business Franchising Program will run for a period of 12 months.
The Franchise Readiness Test serves as a self-assessment tool to determine your business's readiness for franchising. It helps evaluate if your enterprise possesses the essential elements needed for successful franchising. This includes assessing business compliances, organizational structure, branding and other aspects of operation.
The iFranchise Group is the world’s Premier Franchise Consulting Firm.
Founded in 1998, we began operations in the United States of America and have been present in the UAE for the last 10 years.
As a leading consultancy, our consultants have worked with some of the top-ranked companies in the world and with many of the leading franchisors within the United States.
The program duration is one year, during which the selected enterprises will receive comprehensive support and guidance from iFranchise experts.
The program offers tailored support, including a comprehensive franchise readiness audit, the development of franchising systems that include the creation of a strategic planning report, writing of the franchise operations manual, and the development and implementation of effective sales and marketing strategies for the enterprise's franchising endeavor.
The consultancy services included in this program are fully sponsored by Tamkeen as part of Tamkeen's Business Franchising Program to support business growth through franchising.
The consultancy services will be provided by experts from iFranchise Group (IFGM), a renowned firm with extensive experience in franchising and business expansion strategies.
Startups are welcome to apply, please proceed to the Franchise Readiness Test
The program is open to enterprises from various industries, with no specific industry focus. All qualified enterprises seeking to expand through franchising are encouraged to apply.
Interested enterprises can apply by submitting their application through the designated platform or portal provided by Tamkeen.
International enterprises are not eligible to apply for Tamkeen’s Business Franchising Program as we are focusing on enterprises with local brands and local presence only.
Tamkeen and iFranchise are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of proprietary information shared by participating enterprises and will take appropriate measures to safeguard sensitive data.
Yes, existing franchise businesses can apply as long as they are a Bahraini founded brands that can further benefit from other consulting services offered by iFranchise to enhance their operations and growth strategies and expand into new markets.
The Franchise Readiness Test serves as a self-assessment tool to determine your business's readiness for franchising. It helps evaluate if your enterprise possesses the essential elements needed for successful expansion into the franchising world.
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